Sunday, February 9, 2014


The first time I walked into my Crossfit box I was completely overwhelmed and intimidated. The first time I started my first Work out Of the Day (WOD) this feeling washed over me, a feeling that I like to lovingly refer to as "CrossFucked." Theres nothing worse than thinking to yourself "What the F- was I even thinking when I signed up? Did I really think that I could actually do this?"It's even better when you're halfway through a workout. But once its over and you're lying in a heap on the floor it feels good. Almost like a high of some sorts. I know because its the only thing that keeps me going back. I hate it so good.
 Last Thursday I did my first introductory course, Friday morning I tried to go to the 6am class but it was snowing pretty bad and it was cancelled. The weekend was also pretty crappy due to the weather, and then Monday everything was closed as well due to MORE snow, Tuesday was my first real day.
 I also went Wednesday.

(Here is my Wed. WOD)

 Thursday I went twice in one day. I did the exact same work out, only one was before work at 6am and the other was at 3:30 after work. The second time I completed the work out I beat my first time by 5 minutes (!!!!!!!!) :)

 *Note because I am new my workouts are scaled down and modified, here is an example of a scaling down of "Annie" that I did twice on Thursday.

Friday I went and learned how to deadlift!! I was pretty excited about that and NEVER in a million years thought it would be something I could do. I started with 55# 10x :)

I celebrated by having some organic coconut juice/milk from my local organic store. (That I mention in a later post!)


 Saturday stayed in bed, and Sunday morning I unwillingly dragged myself out of bed for my first Partner WOD.

 My first Partner WOD was my most miserable experience at Crossfit thus far, because I am so new, alot of people at my Crossfit gym (my box) do not know who I am and I am also pretty positive they do not want to be stuck working out with me. I tried to talk my coach into letting me do this alone so I did not have to drag anyone down and make them pick up my slack but I wasn't allowed to. Instead I was stuck working with someone who pretty much looked exactly like Zack Galifianakis.

Literally almost. In a hat as well. He also was from outside the U.S. and had a very thick accent. He ALSO, through our entire workout, read the WOD wrong and made us do 50 of everything EACH instead of splitting it. Even when I tried to tell him otherwise!  For a newbie it was a little rough. I was definitely cranky after that workout :) but we made through most of it...

 I had alot of questions. Like does working out twice in one day mean that I am not working out hard enough? Thankfully I have a great Bestie who has drank the CrossFit Kool-aid as well, so I usually harass her with my questions. I quickly turned into a bit of a glutton for punishment with Crossfit. In addition I started the Bullet Proof Diet, I was originally just eating better and counting calories but I decided to stop counting and drop carbs, diary and grains completely (Or rather as best as I could) in addition I started trying to eat only organic/grassfed.

In addition to updating things I have learned and my hopeful progress I also plan on blogging some recipes and brands of food etc that I am currently checking out. If you have any suggestions or advice please leave me a comment!!

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